Monday, November 7, 2011

Finally an Outlet

I always wanted a way to say what was on my mind without fear of what anyone else has to say or how it will affect them. I'll admit, I can be a bitch but usually for good reason. All my life I have kept these darker feelings inside to keep them from hurting others or pushing others further away.

So, on my mind today is the stress I am feeling and the regret of opening my family's home to my husband's cousin and her daughter. I get along great with, Nicky, and I thought her daughter would be a great playmate for our children. She was being evicted and she lived in a rural community that had no jobs that would pay more than minimum wage. We have been blessed and try to do what we can for those who need it, but these have been some of the hardest few weeks ever!

Her daughter is a monster! and worse, now that they have been here for a month, they stopped helping out around the house on a regular basis. I sure hope she makes enough money working for my husband that her and her monster can move out and be something soon, I am not sure how long I can tolerate this blatant disrespect for the rules her daughter displays. Here's hope for the future.

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